Monday, 31 August 2015

Emotional Investment is Precious Investment

Human emotions are important part of our existence. We connect with each other at intellectual level, emotional level and spiritual level. We have deep emotional bonds with our family, near and dear ones. The emotional bonding which supports us and keeps us in high spirits is important for our well-being.

Human emotions form major part of our being, they largely form experiences which in turn makes us who we are. We are deeply connected to our family, mum and dad, brothers and sisters and close relations. When we are growing, all experiences are in our psyche. our beliefs are beliefs taken from our community, family and become part of who we are.

As we grow, we have need to connect to our partners for our emotional and physical needs. When we form bonds with unknown person, so that we have some relationship in future, we try to connect. The vary process of connecting is getting attached and given some time, we have invested in the relationship in terms of time, emotions, security and physical needs. If this relationship is healthy which means each person takes pain to invest in relationship to grow it beautifully then it is true relationship, but when any one partner is not giving as much is required for relationship to work on bases of love and understanding, it is just an emotional burden on the partner who is being exploited.

Emotional investment is precious because we are like supercomputer, when a corrupted programme is installed, it is going to affect the working of the computer. Similarly, when the relationship which is not based on love, care, honour, understanding but is based on demands, expectations, manipulation, control, suppression in any form that sort of relationship is an emotional burden. 

So, it is important to choose, the right partner and this partnership is based upon mutual trust, respect, understanding, care and genuine love.
  1. Take time to choose your partner but before choosing know yourself very well because when you know yourself you can know other person.
  2. Do not indulge in physical relationship without any commitment.
  3. Do not indulge in too many relationships because each relationship will leave a mark on you. If there are too many breakups, it means that you have installed too many corrupted programmes and this will affect your quality of life at a deeper level.
  4. Choose your partner who is simple, genuine and good at heart. Do not go for looks because in the long run, qualities will matter.
When you find the right partner, give yourself 100%. Partnership is always 50-50%, where you genuinely care for each other.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Keep it simple.....I am loving...I am happy

To bring up happy, healthy, loving, caring and aware children, parents need to be aware of their upbringing. Children brought up with love, care and awareness will reflect all these virtues in their life when they lead their life as adults.
 A Mother not only nurtures her child by attending to them, she gives her loving energy by her presence, which child absorbs. An aware parent will be mindful of their limiting beliefs and will work on them, so that he or she can offer their best.
As a parents we are creating lifelong experiences for our children which are going to stay with them for life. They are going to replicate the life as per the programming of their experience decode. So, it is a big responsibility as a parent to bring up healthy, happy and aware children. If we can take care of few things, we will leave behind a healthy legacy.
  1. Parents should spend time with their children. They should form a loving relationship with them. Communicate with them with lot of love, care and friendly approach, where they have lot of fun together.
  2. Parents should involve their children in small house tasks that will make them responsible. Taking care of younger siblings, cleaning duties, feeding pet, little duties will make them responsible.
  3. Involving your child in decision making for things which matter to them. Take your child for shopping, make shopping list. Ask their suggestions while buying dress or gift for a family member or a friend. Involve them in organising parties, making a guest list, sending invitations or menu for the food.
  4. Cultivate the habit of reading, by bringing books for them when they are little. Reading to them, going library regularly, listening to story time. As they grow up encourage them to read wide variety of books. Books are a great company.
  5. Cut their time of TV watching, video games or internet. Interaction with technology most of the time make them dull and passive. Young brain is very creative and fertile. Video games makes them angry and violent because most of the games are based on these, it is like feeding your mind with violence. Modern gadgets drain their energy. Interacting with nature or playing with other children is much more better. Also, excessive use of technology limit them to themselves and they find it hard to develop socially.
  6. To cultivate good habits like getting up early, brushing teeth, taking bath everyday. Keeping their room and things tidy. Eating healthy food, with good intake of fruit, vegetables and water. Avoiding fizzy drinks, coffee and junk food. Eating breakfast before going to school, doing homework and being organised.
  7. Children should be brought up with lot of love and encouragement. They should be able to say yes to help and take challenge. When they are loved and supported they fill themselves with joy, love and enthusiasm. They should be encouraged to learn music, dance, sports or learning any instrument which will keep them happy and bubbly. Children brought with love and awareness are much more stronger in themselves and they can withstand peer pressure and will not indulge in drugs, alcohol or sex at early ages.
To have healthy society, it is important that we pay attention to how we bring up our children. We should be mindful of their upbringing and that should be our number one priority, to take care of them.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Our Mind Is The Most Precious

Our mind is most precious thing we should  care for. What thoughts we think, make us who we are. We must train our mind to think wholesome good thoughts which are beneficial to you as well as others. If any negative thought comes up, we should be aware of it first and then let it go because if we entertain one thought chain of thoughts comes with it and we will be in a pool of negative thought pattern, which becomes a habit. When habit is formed it is not easy to break free. Have you ever wondered, What will be the result of the negative thought pattern?
First, we will not feel good because negative thoughts bring negative energy with it. When we are tuned to negative thinking,we are tapping negative energy from the Universe and filling it in our system.
Secondly, we waste lot of time in negative thinking. When we think negative it is hard to focus and we waste lot of time.
Thirdly, We waste our precious mental energy. The energy which could have gone in something constructive, goes waste in negative thinking , it does not bring any good.
Fourth, by thinking negative we create negative energy field around us which will affect people around us. If your energy is of anger, hatred or control people will be put off interacting with you.
Mind your thoughts and mind your energy. Operating from space of peace and happiness increases your effectiveness and efficiency.

Sangeeta Sharma- I express through writing, it gives me freedom. I am student of life and have shared my reflections on following links:
Reality in Reflections


Have you wondered, What it takes to be whole again?
Intuitive living is living from space of your heart, it is connecting with source and getting guided by it.
Children live from space of their heart, as we grow, we tend to start living in our head. Living in head is living from your mind, living for calculations and it is very limited living.
How we live limited?
When we believe that we are limited. We believe that Universe has scarce resources and we have to compete with each other for these resources.
In fact Universe is abundant but with scarce attitude the wealth is in hands of a few. When we transcend from the boundaries of our mind then only we will be able to share our talents, wealth and uniqueness. We will be more open and world will be a better place to live. Where we will work to help each other rather than put down each other for selfish gains.
If we can discover our own little ways to share, care, give and love, we are moving towards wholeness and life.


Do you want to create more or consume more?

This question will lead you to an answer..... the kind of life you are leading.
In today's consumerist culture, as if consuming more is the key to your happiness and with this belief in our mind we are working with stress to stretch ourselves to be more. Our wish list is non exhaustive, it is good to have challenges and goals but not to a point where we do not have time to connect with ourselves, children or family. We do not have time to enjoy simple pleasures of life. We do not need big things to be happy, all we need is time for ourselves, to be happy.
Happiness comes from attending to your innermost core, values and drives. To listen to your innermost core,you need time to speak to yourself, listen to your heart and then act on it. But for many, the kind of lifestyle we lead, we do not have time to listen to ourselves and that is why we are disconnected from our own self, which leads to more stress.
Less is more, when you do not work for a title. You have deeper caring for life, resources and environment. When you have courage to do things which matter to you most with all your passion for a greater good then, less is more.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

Who would you believe?
An honest committed life or dishonest short term gain?
Nobody would like to be trapped in a commitment which does not delivers, what it has promised. Dishonesty does not go very far. You can make a short term gain by some manipulation but in the long run, it will be revealed and you will loose the goodwill and trust which has been put to buy into the idea.
If you want to grow into your vision of life.....Honesty is the best policy.
  1. Honesty brings closer to your self and truth. When you are closer to self, you are close to your vision. You will have wisdom and clarity, how to move towards your  vision and universal intelligence will guide you towards your goals.
  2. Honesty keeps your inner space clear and happy without any burden. when you are ethical, you do not infringe upon other people rights and space for your benefit. When your inner space is happy, calm and noise free that gives you more time and energy to focus on, what is most important . It helps you lead a joyous , fulfilling life.
  3. Honesty brings greater good to you and society. Honesty breeds good intentions for you and society. when you are honest you will not do your business through unethical ways. You will work  in such a way that larger interests are taken care.
  4. Honesty brings goodwill, when you lead a honest life, you do not need to validate yourself. How you conduct, tells more than what you do.
  5. Honesty brings good energy in the surroundings. Honest people create conducive environment, people work in synergy therefore more is done in less time and it does not feel like work.
  6. Honesty breeds creativity. Your energy is not locked away in negative emotions, problems or manipulation. Honest mind is  yes mind, it is focussed on creating solutions, art, music and happy energy.
  7. Honesty and ethical behaviour brings good health because you are tapping in good energy from the universe. By being honest you develop your brain or you can rewire your damaging habits. When you are tapping good energy , if you combine it with healthy eating habits, thinking healthy and doing some form of exercise, it leads to over all well being.
Honesty is aligning yourself with your values, drives, purpose and to the truth, what you believe, which matters to you the most. Honesty is the best policy for a greater good and you are all inclusive. Your well being is ensured in creating an atmosphere of well being. You cannot be happy and prosperous on an Island. You have to create an environment of love, support and well being.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Every Interaction Is An Energy Exchange

Have you wondered, when we are engaged in Music, Dance or any Art, how do we feel ?
We feel uplifted, calm and filled with joy and happy energy. Why it is so?
Because we are engaging in good energy and this good energy is filling up in our system, makes us feel better.

Imagine yourself as a powerful computer which operates on the commands given, data which is fed and the environment in which it operates. Human mind is like a super computer, the data we feed in its system has to be good, otherwise it can crash.

In order to operate at our level best, if we could take care of few things, our life will be a joy ride.
  1. THE PEOPLE-To Live well, we need to create best experiences. To create best experiences, we should have  a good company, company which uplifts you, supports you and share your vision. these people are like inspiration to do your best. Otherwise you will loose lot of energy in fighting your small battles.
  2. THE ENVIRONMENT-The environment in which you grow should be clean, having good flow of light and air. Close to the nature or having good amount of gardens and trees that will rejuvenate you. The environment of good energy uplifts you.
  3. ENGAGEMENT-What kind of job you do, also decide the type of energy you interact with. People dealing with children will have child like qualities for example- joy, enthusiasm, fun loving, creative, curious etc, they are full of life. People working in farms, gardens are more happy because they interact with nature. People dealing with crime will not be as happy as their other counterparts. People who are in art, craft, painting, Music, writing etc, have very creative , calm, joyous mind-set. That is why, it is important to decide, what kind of job suits your energy type.
  4. FOOD-Eating wholesome food, drinking lots of water, cutting on alcohol, fizzy drinks, coffee, junk food and processed food is important. Consuming fresh food instead of pre-packed or frozen food, gives more energy and vitality.
  5. BALANCE-Keeping life simple, noise free. There should be balance between work, play and rest. If we work too much without any play or rest. We are conditioning ourselves as a human machine. Our life will become dry with no juice in it. So, it is important to balance life with work, play and rest.
  6. LESS TECHNOLOGY- Modern living is too much dependent on the technology. We are doing something or other every moment. We are either calling, texting, browsing internet, listening or watching video. There is hardly anytime when we are still and do nothing. When you include some stillness in your routine, you can consciously unwind and recharge yourself.
  7. OVER-INDULGENCE- Too much indulgence in food, shopping, partying, loud music, thinking, drinking or sex drains your energy and vitality. To live a happy healthy life, we need to create a balance and engage in activities which will uplift us.
Spending your energy wisely is an art, by learning this art, we can conserve our energies and use it on activities which will bring value to our living rather than spending on sense gratification.
To live a happy, healthy life , live simple and engage in life supporting activities.