Monday, 12 October 2015


The greatest connection you can have is the connection with yourself, it is your move towards personal mastery and power.

When you loose your connection to yourself, you loose your power. It can happen in many ways:

  1. When you give more importance to other people than yourself, you operate from the place of lack. When you are more aware of your needs and well-being, you will take care of your needs first and then you will take of others needs as well, it is operating from place of fulfilment and power.
  2. When you listen to everybody but not yourself. You do not take account of what you want, what do you think and take appropriate action. Here saying your opinion, doing what do you think and communicating with team and standing by your decision is important. Many times modesty gets overpowered by force or aggression or control, to be in your personal power say your point with firmness and stand by it.
  3. When you do things to please others or do things out of compulsion or to fit in or out of fear or when you do things not out of your authenticity but out of need to fulfil your duties, you loose your personal power.
  4. When you are caught up in desires and outward expression for personal happiness your happiness is very shallow and it is linked to something which is on the surface. This happiness is dependent on outer thing, when something happens to it your happiness also disappears.Attune yourself with inner self and listen what it says following it will give you more satisfaction and power.
  5. When there is no conformity in your thinking, speech and actions, you loose your power. The greatest power is what you think, you say and what you say you do it. There is perfect harmony and balance is your inner life and outer life. It will be in conflict when there is difference between inner life and outer life.

You step into your personal power

  1. When you love yourself 100%. When you eat healthy, exercise, keep good company by keeping yourself uplifted.
  2. Do things passionately, do things you love and are good at it, by loving what you do, you add juice to your life.
  3. You are authentic i.e. when there is conformity in your thoughts,speech and actions. You say or do what you want to do, not say something and do other thing.
  4. You have courage to stand up, when things are not in your own interest.
  5. You are forgiving and let go unpleasant situations and people.
  6. You accept challenges and difficult situations. You are wise enough not to waste your energy on petty things.
  7. You treat others as you would like to be treated.
  8. You are generous, giving, friendly and helpful.
  9. You honour life because everybody is connected.

Saturday, 3 October 2015


Every individual has some talents,which needs to be expressed. But, unfortunately modern living is living in haste. We live in a world, where most of the things are done on the go. We have breakfast, coffee, lunch......on the go. We are living so fast that we do not have no time to enjoy our meals, our children, our family or any activity which will fulfil us.
We have set big goals for ourselves and our children and we are spending our lifetime chasing them without realising that our  life is not for eternity, the time which has gone or is going will not come back. We have to create beautiful moments and relish them by having some carefree me or our time.
It comes with realisation of self-love. We are not machines, we have some needs of body, mind and soul. We have to fulfil these needs to create a balanced living and in return creating a happy, vibrant culture. We have to be at ease with ourselves and it can come if we reduce our pace of living and not being part of on the go culture. Because, whatever you do becomes part of your consciousness. Living in haste become part of our consciousness and it is not very good development.
Right now, we are catering to our bodily needs and forgetting our needs for mind and soul. Our mental and emotional needs are nurtured by having fulfilling connections of our near and dear ones. To nurture our emotional needs, we need time to enjoy together.
To fulfil our spirits we need to engage in activities, we really enjoy and by doing them, we are filled with energy of joy, well-being and enthusiasm. Lively spirits enjoy more and they light up whole atmosphere. It is very important to have some kind of hobby so that you are able to recharge yourself.
It is very important, because business of making money or making a living could cost you lot of bodily and mental stresses. many times you have to put up with unpleasant situations, if you are not centred in your dealings, it can cost you dearly.

Follow your passion for dance, music, painting, writing, sports or art and craft. Your love for these hobbies rekindle love energy in you and you will lead a life filled with joy, enthusiasm, vitality and hope and when you are filled with love, you will spread this love around you.

Music is food for the soul, it has ability uplift your mood even if you are feeling little bit low. Children who learn music at early ages have good memory, greater intelligence and are more able to deal with challenges. Music opens up new dimensions and creativity. It has ability to connect to our source energy and it is a great power. It opens up subtle world of silence by quietening of chattering mind. A calm mind is the mind of all possibilities, faith and harmony.

Dance is body moving in a rhythm, harmony, joy, celebration and awareness. It is the act of restful alertness by practising dancing we are developing all these qualities which are much needed in these times when our mind runs in so many directions at a single point. Dance can bring harmony in our body and mind which is very much required for our well being.

Same is true with writing, reading, art and craft or sports, hobbies rekindles our spirits. These are the ways we can nurture our spirits for a better living. Let us follow our passions and become human again.

Sangeeta Sharma