Is counting your blessings, being thankful for what you have. How, we can be
thankful for what we have? By taking care, being nice, cherishing the company
you are with. What comes to immediate attention is your family, community or
work place. When you are grateful, you bring out best in others by bringing out
best in you.
you are focused on, what good you have in life and by treating it with honor.
you create uplifting atmosphere, where people will be inspired to do their
best. When the work comes from inspiration rather than any sort of control, its
quality is masterclass. Where you put your focus on will grow. When focus Is on
improving things rather than complaining. You grow personally as well as
professionally. Gratitude is being grateful and contented with what you have
and aspiring for doing better so that, when you do more it brings goodness in
other people lives.
Steps towards gratitude are:
1. Loving
yourself 100%. Taking care of your needs- Physical, emotional, intellectual,
spiritual, social and financial. You can only give what you have, so first make
yourself full. Accept yourself 100% and be confident and comfortable in being
you. We wear masks to fit in, impress or pretend what we are not. Standing for
your values and integrity is first step towards authenticity.
2. Be
thankful for your family. How? When you treat them with honor and love.
Creating amicable environment, being honest and truthful towards them.
Genuinely taking care and giving unconditional love. Respecting their time and
not taking them for granted.
3. Being
grateful for skills, talents or job you have by using your talents and working
towards realizing full potential. Not using your talent is not using your
gifts. Talent should be expressed and encouraged. Work towards polishing your
talent and looking for bigger impact. Working towards achieving your dreams,
pending time with yourself, being you and doing nothing for few minutes every
day will create space for transformation to happen.
4. Being
grateful for time, by using your time well, not wasting in useless
activities Always ask, what value you
derive by engaging in such activities. Engage in activities for physical
fitness, mental fitness, uplifting yourself by going for nature walks.
Creatively express yourself in arts, drama, music, dance, writing, photography,
painting etc. Avoid harmful activities like smoking, drugs or alcohol, too much
socializing or being on social media.
5. Be
grateful in using money-Honor your money by spending wisely. Do not waste your
money. Again, ask what value I am deriving from it. Is it worthwhile spending
or not? Shopping too much or shopping for things you don’t need is not good.
6. Be
grateful for environment, by doing things which will protect environment
like-minimizing waste, recycling or reusing. Using petrol, electricity, water
Steps to develop Gratitude
1. Every
morning when you get up, take 10 minute to breathe deeply and put your
attention on your breath. Watch your incoming breath and outgoing breath. Do
not try to think. Do it for 10 minutes every day and night time before you
sleep. Your mind will be calmer, sharper and relaxed.
2. Write
gratitude journal every day. Write in the morning when you get up. Thanks for
what you have, feel grateful about what you have.
3. Practice
gratefulness by being grateful and peaceful during your day.
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