Sunday 16 August 2015

Our Mind Is The Most Precious

Our mind is most precious thing we should  care for. What thoughts we think, make us who we are. We must train our mind to think wholesome good thoughts which are beneficial to you as well as others. If any negative thought comes up, we should be aware of it first and then let it go because if we entertain one thought chain of thoughts comes with it and we will be in a pool of negative thought pattern, which becomes a habit. When habit is formed it is not easy to break free. Have you ever wondered, What will be the result of the negative thought pattern?
First, we will not feel good because negative thoughts bring negative energy with it. When we are tuned to negative thinking,we are tapping negative energy from the Universe and filling it in our system.
Secondly, we waste lot of time in negative thinking. When we think negative it is hard to focus and we waste lot of time.
Thirdly, We waste our precious mental energy. The energy which could have gone in something constructive, goes waste in negative thinking , it does not bring any good.
Fourth, by thinking negative we create negative energy field around us which will affect people around us. If your energy is of anger, hatred or control people will be put off interacting with you.
Mind your thoughts and mind your energy. Operating from space of peace and happiness increases your effectiveness and efficiency.

Sangeeta Sharma- I express through writing, it gives me freedom. I am student of life and have shared my reflections on following links:
Reality in Reflections

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